Sunday, April 26, 2009

This year's SG Day was held in London... saw some interesting pix on FB so decided to Kop and post it here....
The entrance to Hampton Court Palace is marked with....

ERP Gantry?!!? hahahaha

I thot this was pretty cool!

The familiar places...

I thot Joling might be interested in this.... haa~


Cant wait for June to come =D

-hoping to be part of SG daY 2010-

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Went to the Esplanade Theatre last night to catch CATS!

Much was raved bout the muscial, especially it being the longest running muscial in the West End and hugging home several awards including Best Musical. Certainly was excited to be part of it this year...
Some camwhoring outside the theatre..
I thot we're not suppose to bring cammie in so I didn't bring mine... but turns out everyone was just snapping like nobody's business there... boo~ But anyway we manage to find a kind hearted "fendi" lover to take a pix and email to us... haa~

See the composer's name on the pillar?
Andrew Lloyd Webber!
The composer of phamtom of the opera!!!
This was taken using xiao men darling's phone...
haa thot we looked ghastly...
The best my phone could do... =(
I miss my Canon baby...
But anyway that's the backdrop of musical: Home of the Jellicle Cats!

Didn't manage to find a pix of the Rum Tum Tugger of SG.. boo~
But anyway... introducing the Rockstar of the Jellicle Cats!
He certainly was the centre of attraction =D
Part of his performance was to jump down the stage and dance with an audience!
The first half of the show was spent in terror coz the "Cats" were simply jumping up n down the stage and sitting just beside the aisle at the 3rd row certainly wasn't helping!
One good thing bout the show was its interactiveness as the actors will constantly engage the audience by coming right next to you and snarl at you... Reminds mi of the Disneyland haunted walk though... =((
Xiao men was so amused by my reaction coz everytime they jumped down the stage i will grab her arm... boo~

Took a pix at the stage during the interval...
My chance to imitate the ferocious felines... =P
Anw the hole beside Xiao Men was the hideout for the cats during the performance... haa~
They will constantly crawl in n out of there....
Lucky I wasnt sitting in front of the hole *Shudders*
The cats crawled around the theare during the interval and we had a reali close up look at them... we could even stroke them... haa~ Too bad our fav Rum Tum Tugger was too big shot to come down to the audience... *pouts*
After the interval I insisted on changing seat with Xiao Men where I could really relaxed and enjoy the show more... haa~ I must admit the show really wasn't quite up to my expectations with some parts pretty draggy... the shaping of the characterics of the various cats was just not well handled... Nonetheless the performers still managed to impress me with their "breaking moves" and great vocals! Especially the highlight of the show when Grisabella sang "Memories" before being selected to the Heaviside Layer.
I guessed the rest of the audience shared my sentiments as there weren't any standing ovation at the end. But it was still quite an experience... though an expensive one... =X
No more stall seats for mi!
MaRs: 这是你实现梦想的好机会
IvY: 可是我的梦想是和你在一起啊。。

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Caught the movie 17 again last nite....

Guess i've fallen into the Efron frenzy... =D

Kawaii otoko! haa~
And his mode of transport to high school?
Still not clear enuff?
Check this out!!

Great taste =D

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Celebrated RaY's bdaY quite some time ago but just got the fotos to blog....
We had lunchie @ Fish & Co Glasshouse... a hearty meal as usual following RaY's philosophy of chi de kai xin... haa~
After lunchie we went to la teh @ Coffee Club Rendevous Hotel
It was a wise choice considering the downpour outside... haa~
Missing bing bing coz he puked at the thot of us =P
Attempted assasination of the bday boy

N of coz a pix with my dearest superstar!

Monday, April 13, 2009

A: Are u mad?
Me: ?.?
A: Coz if u r... then u have mad cow disease!
ME: .....
-excellent joke-
Fearing that it's sth worse X_X

Friday, April 10, 2009

My bro said if doctor doesn't know the cause of the illness...
they will say it's viral infection.... how v true.... Sighx....
-cow disease-